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Upazila administration Nandail's Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed his 7th March speech on the occasion of "International Memorial of the World Register" in UNESCO as "World Certified Heritage". (2017-11-25). All. About us Vision and mission; Achievements; Officials; Employees Performance management. Notifications / circulars / policies; Treaties; Contract structure; APMS. Law and Regulations Sectional principal law; Rules; Policy; Guidelines. Right to information Information officer; Information Laws and Rules; Officials and applicant's guidelines; Information application form. Services Service kong; Citizen Charter; How to serve ... How to get this office from government office: Different types of training is provided on the teaching methods of private primary school teachers. Head teachers of primary school are provided training on the school management, the school management committee members are given various training on school management. Officials of this department conducted the academic supervision program of the school and at the school level the implementation of the scheme and academic support to the teachers. Various types of research and action research are also conducted in primary education. Upazila Resource Center T. Nandail municipality new commercial Chandipasha Model Government Primary ...